Description: FRANCE MEDIA is a businesstobusiness media company specializing in the publication and production of magazines websites enewsletters and conferences in the markets of commercial real estate retail office multifamily affordable housing student housing seniors housing and medical office buildings healthcare real estate as well as retail and restaurant facilities management and maintenance Thousands of commercial real estate decisionmakers read our commercial real estate magazines websites and enewsletters And hundreds attend each of the 30 events produced by our InterFace Conference Group each year We cover commercial real estate niche by niche and market by market Publication titles include Shopping Center Business California Centers Retail Restaurant Facilities Business Student Housing Business Seniors Housing Business Heartland Real Estate Business Northeast Real Estate Business Southeast Real Estate Business Texas Real Estate Business Western Real Estate Business REBusinessOnlinecom Midwest Multifamily Affordable Housing Business Northeast Multifamily Affordable Housing Business Southeast Multifamily Affordable Housing Business Texas Multifamily Affordable Housing Business Western Multifamily Affordable Housing Business For more information visit wwwfrancemediainccom or wwwinterfaceconferencegroupcom